Thursday 26 February 2009

The death of an institution?

I've just got an email from my mother (Mary) to say that my school (St Mary's Hall; no connection) is closing and being taken over by Roedean. This elicits all sorts of conflicting emotions. St Mary's Hall (SMH) was (I think/hope) a unique institution; a Church of England all-girls boarding school.

I haven't mentioned this before, but I am a vicar's daughter. My Father is Christopher, my mother Mary and I'm Elizabeth. I also have an older sister called Katie who is trying to teach me how to use Facebook, Second Life and Chat. Katie is Katharine without a C &A. The replacement of C&A by my parents was, I believe, an attempt to distance Katie genetically from Catherine II of Russia who purportedly died from an over-indulgence in horse meat. I have a sneaking suspicion we are actually related; it would explain the peculiar affinity both Katie and I have to horseflesh.

My best friends at SMH were also vicars' daughters: Rachel, Ruth and Teresa. Teresa's not a traditional biblical name, but reference to Mother Teresa obviously helps (albeit Catholic). Teresa, Rachel and I all went on to form various allegiances with Ardingly College. I stayed with Teresa's family (Pa Waters was Chaplain; I could write a whole blog about life with the Waters) and attended Ardingly, Teresa also attended Ardingly and Rachel stayed at SMH but visited Ardingly on occasion to meet with the not very biblical Garth (yes really) who, according to Friends Reunited, she later married. I don't know what happened to Ruth (sorry Ruth, crap best friend wasn't I).
Now it seems St Mary's Hall as been subject to a hostile takeover by it's arch rival Roedean. I have just two things to say:
1. Door handles
2. Denman hair brushes

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